Author Archives: Admin

Gethin is on top of the world

Gethin Hughes and Pete Williams
A university student won a bronze medal at the tae kwon do world championships.


February 21, 2011

Angel Katie is now a champion elf too!

Angel Katie is now a champion elf too!

A little girl from Wrexham has been chosen as the first ever Champion Elf of Wales.


February 21, 2011
Awards, News.

Caring quartet have the X-Factor

Caring quartet have the X-Factor

Forget the X Factor – the remarkable qualities of the Fab Four of social care have created a bit of history.


February 21, 2011

First Minister hails new centre of excellence for dementia care

First Minister Carwyn Jones hailed “the pioneering model of care” at a new centre of excellence to look after people with dementia.


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January 31, 2011
Awards, News.