Care home residents had a great time at a fun day to raise money for a children’s charity.
The event at Pendine Park’s Summerhill Road site in Wrexham was attended by fire officers from Wrexham Fire Station who even brought along a fire engine.
It raised more than £500 for the children’s charity though raffles and donations.
Pendine Park lead activities co-ordinator Christine Lewis said: She said: “It was a lovely day and we were thrilled to raise so much money for the NSPCC. The event was really well attended and it was lovely seeing everyone together enjoying the activities and having a good time.
“We were grateful to fire officers based at Wrexham Fire Station who came along with a fire engine. That proved very popular with children in particular. We also had lots of party games and stalls.”
She added: “Staff and suppliers put up raffle prizes which we used to raise the money as everything on the day was free.”
Hillbury Care Home registered manager Cindy Clutton said: “It was just such a lovely day and it was fantastic seeing staff and residents enjoying each other’s company and having so much fun. And to raise more than £500 for the NSPCC is just amazing too.”
Tanya Jones, from Wrexham, who is friends with a member of the Pendine Park nursing team, took her daughter Kayleigh Williams, seven, with her fiend Graced O’Hare, also seven.
She said: “It was a lovely day and the children had a great time. They had their faces painted and enjoyed throwing wet sponges at each other!
“It was so nice to see children being welcomes into a care home environment and mixing with residents and staff.”
Rachel Williams, from Hope, whose mum, Melanie, is a member of the Pendine Park care organisation housekeeping team, took her son Mason Johnson, nine, along to the fun day.
She said: “Mason had a great time and had a go at everything from face painting to the coconut shy. There was a really nice atmosphere and it was so nice seeing residents, their relatives and friends and staff having such a good time.”
Pendine Park director Gill Hughes attended the event with her daughter Rhiannon, son-in-law Damien and grandchildren Harry, five, and Tomos, two.
She said: “It was such a brilliant day, a fantastic event and to raise so much for the NSPCC through a couple of raffles is amazing.
“It was so nice to see staff and their families enjoying a fun day with the residents they care for day to day. You could see the amazing bond that exists between staff and residents.
“And it was very noticeable that staff members were very conscious of the needs of residents and really wanted them to have a good time.”
To find out more about Pendine Park care organisation please visit www.pendinepark.com