
Tag Archives: Welsh Government

Pilgrims’ progress is the modern day path to prosperity in North Wales

A new trail for modern day pilgrims is a path to prosperity for North Wales. The 150-mile North Wales Pilgrim’s Way, which takes 10 to 11 days to complete, is already attracting religious and non-religious tourists from far and wide.

Drug dealers booted out in major crackdown on anti-social behaviour

A housing association has booted drug dealers out of its homes and reclaimed them for honest tenants.

Don’t waste this historic chance

Independent care providers in Wales have warned a historic opportunity to reform social care could be squandered unless councils are prepared to work in partnership with them.

New social care blueprint will put an end to post code lottery in social care

The new blueprint for looking after vulnerable people and children in North Wales has been hailed as the “most important development in social care for two generations”.

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